Game Resources
This game will teach your child how to copy, continue, and create patterns. A pattern is something that repeats over and over again.
Child Vocabulary
Math Vocabulary
Age-Appropriate Definition
“Something that repeats over and over again”
Hand Motion
Point 2 index fingers towards one another and move in circular motion.
TS Gold Alignment
Game Level
Name / Descriptipon
2 Years
A child may not recognize patterns yet. They may see a stripe shirt with no repeating unit and call it a pattern.
3 Years
Pattern Copier
Child copies simple repeating patterns. For example, copies the teachers as they string beads that go: green, yellow, green, yellow, green, etc.
4 Years
Pattern Extender AB
Child is able to extend AB repeating patterns. When shown a pattern that goes: black, orange, black, orange, the child is able to add to it: black, orange.
5 Years / Kinder
Pattern Extender (non AB) and Explainer
A child is able to extend patterns, even if they are not AB, for example they may extend an ABBA pattern. A child can explain or describe a pattern. They may say, "This is a pattern, it goes: purple, white, purple, white, purple!"
5 Years / Kinder
Pattern Creator
Creates and explains simple AB patterns and may begin creating more complex ABBA patterns. For example, a child creates a tower that goes: cube, rectangular prism, cube, rectangular prism, cube, etc.
Building Bridges Resources
How To Play
Game Training
Instructor Guides
Station Guides
Math Concept
Circle Time
Patterns + Ordinal Numbers
English December Circle Time
Spanish December Circle Time