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Zeno Blog

Wishing Everyone a Mathy New Year

Hello Wonderful Zeno Partners!

Hello wonderful Zeno Partners!

Holiday season is in full swing and we want to take the time to let you all know how much we appreciate all of you! Although we don't have new offerings for the month of December some of you are wrapping up your partner/family surveys while others are introducing Good Morning Farm to your families.

Pre-Survey Collection continues to be open for December so please make sure to connect with your Zeno Leads for any communication needs.

  • Family Pre-Survey
  • Staff Pre-Survey

Best wishes to the new year!

In Community,
Your Zeno Partnership Team

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It is our goal to continue to spark joy and inspire a love of math. Families can engage their children in each math concept before they even receive their games! We have provided a variety of activities that focus on different math concepts for the month of December.

Connect through Family Resources

Find resources related to our game concept of Addition and Subtraction.

Shape Recognition and Patterns Activity

With your child/student make snowflakes by cutting up various small to medium paper shapes. Once they have been cut begin to assemble or glue them in the shape of a pattern. Talk about how snowflakes repeat on every "point" making it a snowflake pattern.

 Mathy Song: 5 Little Snowmen

Freeze! Movement Activity

If your kiddos need to get some wiggles out this cold December play their favorite song or music and have them dance around. Press freeze and wait for them to pause their movements for a few seconds before resuming the music.

Your support this year helped thousands of families with early learners discover and develop math skills in meaningful and playful ways. None of our achievements would have been possible without our wonderful Zeno partners like you. As this year comes to an end, we need your support more than ever. Might you consider making a tax-deductible donation to help us raise the critical funds needed to continue this important work?

Want to help Zeno plan more boldly into the future?

Become an Infinity Club member by making a monthly or quarterly gift. Not sure what to give? Consider a gift of Pi:

  • Quarterly donation of $314.00
  • Monthly donation of $31.40
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FY22-Zeno-Newsletter-Assets-Stay Connected

Stay updated about Zeno by following us on social media.
Don’t forget to share your love of math with us by tagging us in your #MathyMoments.

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